30 Oct, 2021
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Analyze any market and determine entry and exit with good accuracy.

This program plugs into Ensign Windows and can be used on any chart. Several of the features that I had programmed into it are as follows:

Market Time Master RTP Program Features

// ESPL 0 – SetButtons. Prints custom labels on the ESPL run buttons
// ESPL 1 – Turn On News Title Alert Event sends news alerts to the Windows Clipboard which can be read out loud by a text to speech software.
// ESPL 2 – Turn Off News Title Alert Event
// ESPL 5 – Find Same Times. Locate specific times and put a marker of those bars.
// ESPL 6 – RemoveNotes. Clears notes on the chart such as Dates, Times, Days, Arrows, Etc.
// ESPL 7 – ClearArrows. Clears all Arrows from the active chart.
// ESPL 8 – SetColor. Allows user to select a Color for the FindSwings program
// ESPL 9 – FindSwings. Prompts for a TIME and COLOR. It will find the Swing Peaks that match the time and mark it with an Arrow of the specified color.
// ESPL 51 – PrintTimes. Prints the Time or Date on a chart at each Swing Line peak.
// ESPL 52 – SwingAlert. Tracks the last N swings in real-time. Determines if a matching set of swings exists somewhere previously on the chart (based on the Times). Reports its findings along
// with an Alert bar, and the next Predicted swing based on the Previous match’s next swing.
// ESPL 53 – TradeSystemTwo. Color Bars Green for Buy Signals and Red for Sell Signals
// Buy if eAve1 > eAve2 And eSto %K > eSto %D
// Sell if eAve1 < eAve2 And eSto %K < eSto %D
// ESPL 54 – TradeSystem. Uses Exp Ave and Stochastic to mark Buy and Sell areas on a chart. (Experimental)
// ESPL 55 – SayChartPrice. Reads chart price out-loud as it changes.
// ESPL 56 – SameTime. Locates previous swings where it matches the current bar time. Helps you spot reversal times quickly.
// ESPL 57 – PrintDate. Places the dates on the swing points on the charts to help you see dates of up and down swing points.
// ESPL 58 – PrintDay. Places the day of the week on the chart swing points so that you can see if you can find a pattern based on days of the weeks.
// ESPL 59 – TradeLog. Logs Swing

You must unzip and install this MTMReversalTimePattern.spt in the ESP folder in Ensign.

If you need help call us.