Please install this EA and the DLL file into the MT4 just like installing a normal EA. check the “Allow DLL Imports” option on the EA properties window when you attach the EA into a chart.
When attached, the EA will copy the latest alert into the clipboard. There are two input variables.
1. ‘Allow Monitor On’:
This setting will allow you to get all alerts from all running MT4 platforms without installing the EA on multiple MT4 platforms. if you select “All running MT4s” option, the EA will copy all the alerts from all opened MT4 platforms.
2. ‘Display Alert On’:
This setting allows you to display the last received alert as a comment or log.
To be able to hear what it is saying you need a Text To Speech reader that you can either buy or get for Free. You must set it to “Watch Clipboard” if that is one of the settings so that it read the alerts to you out loud.